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Republic Attorney | |
<<..Seen the acts of
penal proceeding against Peirano Carlo - Editor, and Jannuzzi Vincenzo, author,
accused of the delict p. e p. of the art. 110 '57 bis, 528 P. c. in relation of
the art. 1ss law 8-2-1948 n47 because, in complicity between them put in circulation
with the goal of making trade of it, the volume "the 11.000 Rods" that
reproduced in cartoons the obscene content of the omonimous work of Guillaume
Apollinaire.>> | ...The trial concluded
with a full acquittal verdict <<....because the fact does not constitute
crime.>> Cremona 1984............ what to say? All seems quiete
clear! | | back to Home |